For example I want to remove search panel in google map, because I would like to print entire map
Select search panel in firebug or chrome tools
We see that parent that holds entire search panel is div with class omnibox-and-cards. Let's remove it
run in console
document.getElementById('omnibox-and-cards').style.display = 'none';
we see that search panel dissapeard. But we would like to quickly run this script.This is simple. Add javascript: in the beginning and undefined; on the endso in our examplejavascript: document.getElementById('omnibox-and-cards').style.display = 'none';undefined;
then add new bookmark in your browser and in url paste above script
then click on new bookmark and scrip will be executed!There are many useful bookmarklets in the internet. For example jquerify if you would like to write in jquery if page doesn't have it